Today the Sangha of Wat Pah Nanachat was blessed by the presence of Luang Por Liem, Luang Por Sopha, and Luang Por Jayasaro leading many monks and laypeople in the ceremony of installing the last two pinnacles on the roof-top of Wat Pah Nanachat’s nearly finished new ordination hall (“Bot” or “Uposatha-Hall”).
The traditional structure marking the peak of the roof in Isahn and Lao architecture called “Sattaboripan” or “Chor Fah” symbolizes Mount Meru as the center of the classic ancient Indian universe and the various major and minor divine abodes with their heavenly palaces grouped around it. The installation of the gilded pinnacles in combination with the Naga-like curved top front- and back gable-peaks of a temple building is considered an auspicious accomplishment within the construction process of the hall and thus accompanied by chanting and the offering of blessings by senior Buddhist monks.
Sattaboripan or Chor-Fah of the new Uposatha Hall of Wat Pah Nanachat
The new Uposatha Hall of Wat Pah Nanachat in the last stages of it’s completion on the night before the installation of the roof-top-pinnacles.
Coming together on this special occasion felt especially dear to many of the disciples of the monastery after a long stretch of very little public activity during the two years of the pandemic. It also served as a promising preview of the planned inauguration ceremony of the new Uposatha Hall from December 25th to 27th this year.
Luang Por Liem, Ajahn Kevali, and Luang Por Jayasaro holding the ceremonial strings attached to the gilded pinnacles as they are being sent up to the roof-top in a gondola lifted by a crane.