Tipitaka Offering at Wat Rajbopit

On June 10th, 2018 Wat Pah Nanachat had the honour to receive the royal gift of a set of the Pali Tipitaka printed by the World Tipitaka Foundation in a special notation facilitating the recitation of the scriptures. It was handed to Ajahn Kevali by HH 20th Sangharaja of Thailand, Somdet Ariyavamsakatanyan, at the temple of his residence, Wat Rajbopit in Bangkok.

Visaka Puja All Night Practice

Visakha Puja is the full moon month of May, where Buddhists all over the world commemorate the day the Buddha's birth in Lumbini, his full awakening under the Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya, and the final giving up of his body aged 80 in Kusinara, the "parinibbana", the ending of his last life. It has become an in-house tradition at Wat Pah Nanachat to spend the night of Visakha Puja meditating, chanting, and reading out key passages from the Pali Canon in Thai and in English, bringing to mind these three important events in the life of the Buddha.

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Installing Buddha Image in front of the Main Sala

The Walking Buddha-image from the former outside sala is being moved in front of the main Sala


Since the outside sala of Wat Pah Nanachat is being taken down to make space for a new, properly designated Sima-Hall, its main Buddha-image in graceful walking posture has been moved in front of the main sala in a short blessing ceremony on March 22, 2018.

May it kindly greet all visitors entering the sala. 


Magha Puja Candle Procession 2018

On March 1st, 2018 the community of Wat Pah Nanachat held the traditional circumambulation with candles, flowers and incense, commemorating the concise summary that the Buddha gave of his teachings - the "Ovada Patimokkha" - on the full-moon day of the month Magha, in the Bamboo Grove at Rajagir to a spontaneous gathering of 1250 fully enlightened disciples:

The candle procession took place in the Sima-Stones area around the outside Sala as a last event before the demolition of the outside Sala, which is to give way to a soon to be built properly designated Sima Hall (Bot). 

Inauguration of the Lp Chah Birth Pillar

Commemorating the 100th anniversary of Ven Ajahn Chah's birth in Bahn Gor village close to Wat Nong Pah Pong, on Jan 12, 2561/2018 Luang Por Liem (Phra Rachabhavanavikrom) and Luang Por Anek (Phrakhru Nikrodthammaphorn) presided over the ceremony of offering and inaugurating the stone pillar that has been erected on the place that Ven Ajahn Chah was born. Many senior western monks and nuns also took part in this auspicious event.

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Enshrining Relics of Ajahn Chah at his Birth-Place

On January 6, 2561/2018 Luang Por Anek Yasadinno (Phrakhru Nikrodthammaphorn) of Wat Pah Sai Ngam enshrined a tooth of Ven Ajahn Chah and some of his shaven hair in the top of the sandstone pillar commemorating Ajahn Chah's place of birth in Bahn Gor Village near Wat Nong Pah Pong. He was assisted by Ajahn Kevali (Phrakhru Ubonbhavanaviteht) while many senior monks lead by Luang Por Liem (Phra Rachabhavanvikrom), gave their blessings by chanting auspicious chants.

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New Years Chanting 2561/2018  

On December 31st, 2017 the Sangha and the laypeople of Wat Pah Nanachat gathered in the main Sala to meditate into the new years and chant "parittas", the traditional protective chants as a blessing for the all sentient beings.

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วันที่ ๓๑ ธค ๒๕๖๐ คณะสงฆ์ วัดป่านานาชาติ ได้ฉลองปีใหม่โดยการนั่งสมาธิภาวนาและเจริญพุทธมนต์ เป็นศิริมงคลแก่สัตว์ทั้งหลาย ที่ธรรมศาลาวัดป่านานาชาติ 

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Almsround on the Road

When travelling across the country, the Sangha of Wat Pah Nanachat usually leaves the monastery early in the morning and then, as it gets light, stops by at a local market place on the road for collecting almsfood. These occasions are usually beautiful expressions of faith of the local villagers that rush out to give food spontaneously when the monks turn up by surprise.

The following photos were taken by our monastery secretary Thirawud Cholasuek (Ton) on August 30, 2017 in Ampher Kueang Nai, Ubon Rachathani Province.

Paying Respects at the Beginning of the Rains Retreat 2017

At the beginning of the rains retreat ("pansah") the Sangha of Wat Pah Nanachat goes on a tour to pay respects to senior monks in the area. Usually this includes both the senior monks from the Sangha administration and the forest monks of the Wat Nong Pah Pong group of monasteries. This year started with a special trip to pay respects to the Buddha's chest bone relics enshrined in the Chedi of Phra That Phanom in Nakhorn Phanom, one of the most venerated holy-sites of northeast Thailand and Laos.

Umbrella Installation for Wat Pah Nanachat Buddha Image

After gold-leafing the main Buddha statue "Phra Buddha-Karuna" of Wat Pah Nanachat, a classical ceremonial umbrella to crown the head of the Buddha image was generaously offered to the monastery on April 28, 2017, protecting the image from dust and various droppings from the ceiling, and enhancing the shrine with a warm traditional feel to it. 

Gilding Buddha Statues at Wat Pah Nanachat

In April 2017 a group of skilled lay Buddhists experienced in the traditional techniques of gilding Buddha images offered to re-coat the two main Buddha statues of Wat Pah Nanachat with gold leafs. The joint effort took about a week. Initially the old layers of gold and paint were carefully removed, and various irregularities on the statues brass surface were repaired, until a new grounding of an orange lacquer made according to an ancient recipe was applied. This needed to be done under a wide mosquito-net allowing the coating to dry without insects sticking to it. Then, with many calm, helping hands the tiny pieces of gold-leaf were gently rubbed on - square inch by square inch, and neatly polished such that the joints between them became nearly invisible. Finally, on April 10th, 2017, the whole monastic and lay-community of Wat Pah Nanachat gathered in a little ceremony to finish the process together by gilding the top flame of “Phra Buddha-Karuna”, the Buddha statue in the main Sala, using this auspicious opportunity to enshrine Buddha-relics in the head of the statue before putting the flame back up in place